regarding my recruiter post

From: leon (leonat_private)
Date: Mon Mar 11 2002 - 07:45:33 PST

  • Next message: Florindo.Gallicchioat_private: "Re: what to do if you get stuck with a terrible recruiter"

    Hash: SHA1
    Hi everyone, 
    There seems to be a question on whether or not my remarks were
    directed at Alta.  They were not.  Alta was the first company that
    came to mind and thus I used them.  In the future I will stick with
    Acme Inc to avoid future misunderstandings (I thought people would
    find the alice and bob thing cute since that seems to be the names
    that are always used when you read about crypto.  I guess I can try
    bugs and daffy from now on :).
    I am sorry if anyone misunderstood what I am saying (even though I
    specifically said in my post that they were the first people that
    came to mind and it was NOT directed at them).  For some reason
    people are reading "through" what I am saying instead of just taking
    it at face value.
    Thanks again and sorry if my post was confusing,
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