Federal Sales Manager - #698 - VA

From: Joyce Brocaglia (altaassociates1at_private)
Date: Wed Apr 24 2002 - 12:24:07 PDT

  • Next message: Jeff Combs: "Application Security Architect/Engineer #510 - Chicago, IL - $100k"

    Title: Federal Sales Manager
    Our job reference #698
    Salary $115k-$130k   $225k-$250k at plan
    Location: Virginia
    Our client is an industry leader in  providing 24x7 Real-Time Managed
    Security Services. They are searching for a seasoned Sales Manager with
    a proven track record in Federal Sales.
    The successful candidate will be a D.C. insider with an active rolodex
    and a solid understanding of information security services.
    He/she must have solution sales skills as well as extensive experience
    in selling at the "C" level.
    This person will be responsible for developing and growing the Federal
    Sales business.
    Contact: Joyce Brocaglia, CEO
    Alta Associates, Inc.
    Phone: 908-806-8442
    e-mail: joyceat_private
    Visit our website: www.altaassociates.com

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