Looking for a trainee position in London

From: Jason Lambert (Jason@jason-lambert.com)
Date: Fri Sep 06 2002 - 06:35:08 PDT

  • Next message: ron: "Re: Am I getting the wrong end of the stick?????"

    I wish to make Information Security a long term career move.
    I am nineteen years of age, currently living in the North London Area, and
    looking for a Junior/Trainee position within a security concious company.
    I have had extensive experience with ***ALL*** of Microsoft's operating
    systems since MS-DOS 4, and have had experience with some of the more recent
    & popular server packages including Some SQL v7 & 2000, Exchange 2000, and
    ISA 2000. I have a solid understanding of ports, services, tcp/ip, scanning
    and exploits (and how/why they work!).
    My knowledge is comprehensive, and mainly self taught through many hours of
    practice, reading many books, and even more late nights.
    Other Notes:
    I am able to demonstrate my skills on demand.
    I am currently studying for my MCSE.
    My passion for computers began at the age of 6, when my Father brought home
    a Sinclair Spectrum 128k.
    I have been employeed as a network administrator / Web Designer Since the
    age of 15.
    I am a logical thinker, who loves to learn, and take pride in my
    ----  References & CV Available on request  ----
    Thanks In Advance,
    Jason Lambert
    Email: jasonlambert1at_private

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