Strong Security/Software Engineer needed @ Intruvert

From: Gabriel Coelho-Kostolny (Gabrielat_private)
Date: Mon Oct 14 2002 - 18:54:06 PDT

  • Next message: Gregg Gregg: "Looking for a security job in the Washington DC metro area"

    The boilerplate:
    IntruVert Networks, Inc. is looking for a qualified developer to grow its
    intrusion detection
    technologies team. The key responsibilities include vulnerability research,
    exploit code analysis,
    deep protocol decoding and attack signature creation.
    In addition to these key activities, there will be plenty of opportunities
    for development of advanced algorithms and methods for next generation IDS.
    All these take place in a casual team-work environment located in San Jose,
    The candidate should have a BS in Computer Science/Engineering related field
    or equivalent experience; It is highly preferable that the candidate have
    good background/experience with vulnerability analysis, intrusion detection,
    and/or security incident response. Extensive experience with networking
    protocols (TCP/IP stack in particular) and OS environments, as well as C/C++
    programming, are required.
    Interested parties can directly contact Dr. Fengmin Gong,
    The straight scoop:
    My company, Intruvert, is looking for strong candidates with experience in
    NIDS technology. Particular strengths should be in analysis of exploits and
    network traffic dumps. You should also be able to read an RFC and feel
    comfortable implementing processing for a given protocol within a reasonably
    high-level "programming" environment. Any ideas you can bring to the table
    regarding more advanced detection methodologies for standard, DOS, or DDOS
    attacks are also very welcome.
    We're making good progress with customers (read: meeting sales goals) and
    people who have gotten their hands on our boxes have been pretty happy. We
    were tested and reviewed by, for example, Neohapsis, and they were very
    impressed from what I hear. In addition to that, we just closed $15.5M in
    Series C (and we still had a nice chunk of change in the bank).
    Interested & qualified people can contact my boss, Fengmin Gong, at
    Gabriel Coelho-Kostolny
    408/434-8316 (office)

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Mon Oct 14 2002 - 20:02:01 PDT