Graduate Security Jobs ?

From: Mairtin O Sullivan (mairtat_private)
Date: Wed Nov 06 2002 - 16:52:27 PST

  • Next message: Kevin Martin: "Security Professional seeking position in Chicagoland Area - resume in-line"

    Dear All,
    I am in my final year of a postgraduate software engineering course in
    University College Cork, Ireland and have just completed a degree in
    business information systems in the same college.
    I was wondering do any of the security companies on this list recruit
    graduates or have graduate programmes for 2003? Location is not an issue
    although I would require work visa for countries outside of Europe.
    I'm very interested in network security but have been told that it is quite
    difficult to get into so I thought I'd try asking the list.
    Any replies would be very helpful and very much appreciated.
    If anyone would like a copy of my resume then feel free to email me.
    Thanks in advance,
        Mairtin O Sullivan

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