CISSP, INFOSEC Engineer Seeking Security Position in Northern VA

From: Cindy Greenwood (cagreenwoodat_private)
Date: Tue Nov 12 2002 - 15:15:41 PST

  • Next message: Todd Beebe: "Houston, Texas, CISSP, Web Security Specialist, Attack & Penetration."

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    How is everyone?
    I am a Security Professional getting ready to pass the 4 year mark for 
    experience in the world of Information and Network Security.  I am looking 
    for open positions in the DC Metro area that involve some type of security-
    related function, but am open to obtaining a grasp on any area.
    My most current work experience involves Certification and Accreditation 
    for the Department of Defense (DITSCAP).
    Below is a small chunk of my resume - please feel free to contact me for 
    the real deal.
    Cindy Greenwood, CISSP
    Work Summary:
    Expertise with numerous technical and managerial areas in the information 
    security and technology fields, with specialization in performing various 
    types of penetration testing for Federal Government Agencies and Fortune 
    500 firms.  These tests were targeted against web applications, DMZ 
    architectures, and network infrastructures via the Internet, as well as 
    internal onsite penetration testing behind firewalls and filtering 
    devices.  Additional areas of exposure include Certification and 
    Accreditation (DITSCAP), intrusion detection, computer forensics and anti-
    virus programs, as well as client management, client relations, sales 
    processes, and pre-sales technical support. 
    Technical Proficiency:
    -OS: DOS, Windows 95/98, NT, 2000 Server and Workstation, Linux
    -Tools: CyberCop, ISS, NetRecon, nmap, Nessus, Netcat, Ethereal, 
    SnifferPro, iptraf, tcpdump, L0phtCrack, John the Ripper
    Professional and Personal Profile:
    -Robust leadership and project management skills, being recognized by 
    peers as exceptionally organized and thorough strong interpersonal and 
    communication skills, with the ability to work efficiently on an 
    individual basis or in a group setting
    -Ability to learn quickly and adapt to new situations, encompassing new 
    technological and managerial opportunities
    -Strong work ethic, and highly motivated to learn
    -Ability to work under pressure to meet deadlines while exceeding 

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