y0, well, im not all that much into software engineering atm, so this is pretty brief. anyhow, i played with IE a bit, and if i in the url-field give it as many '€'´s as possible, along with a valid protocol, it crashes with an acces violation. http://\\\\€´s...> or telnet://\\\\ €´s...> for example. when i do this, and look in the status bar, it says its searching for 'â,¬'. i dunno but a thought that arises is that it craches cuz of the expanding in this (one € becoming those three chars, seemingly after any checks(?), three times bigger than expected and they dont have checks for that?) (just tested making a document with a link to this in it) it seems that if you make a plain .html document with a link to http://€ and load it (in this case locally), and click the link, nothing happens except that it searches for a site named "those three chars". if i expand the link to contain MANY (more than the limit of the urlfield) €´s, nothing happens when i try to activate the link. if i on the other side make the link just as long as would fit in the urlfield, ie tries to goto it and crashes :) havent bothered trying anything than those three combinations. well, pretty badly reported but anyhow, if you find it interesting, play with it. as i said i havent really, didnt even check the registers et al.. this version of IE is 5.00.2314.1003, running on an NT4wks with sp5. Regards, Leo R. Lundgren Cellular: +46 (0)70 - 26 75 619 E-mail: leoat_private
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