Re: Win9x netbios pass verif. exploit for unix

From: H D Moore (hdmat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 04 2001 - 13:37:08 PDT

  • Next message: H D Moore: "Re: double decode: to slash or not to slash."

    Something I noticed when using the modified samba client (i couldnt find the 
    patch and had to rewrite it from memory) is that you can send a 0 length 
    password and still gain access (1 byte value = null), there is no need to 
    cycle through the first byte's ascii set unless you want to recover the 
    On Wednesday 04 July 2001 03:52 am, Extirpater wrote:
    > i wrote that one for a friend's request. i know
    > changing the source code of smbclient's client.c file.
    > Putting a "while" scans all 256 chars.
    > my friend had problems with a few file and can't
    > compile smb package.
    > So exploit is there, use if you want...  nothing to

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