papers on auditing?

From: gov-boiat_private
Date: Sun Jul 08 2001 - 00:10:22 PDT

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    I was/am considering opening up a new section under the papers
    section on called 'audit'/'auditing' which people
    would submit their papers on different auditing methods, common
    vulnerablities in source code, and other methods of auditing
    binary only applications/utilities/daemons.
    Currently there are 3 types of papers:
           papers that cover already/pre-written exploits..
           papers which revolve around introductions to various exploitation
           papers which are more geared towards the slightly more difficult
           topics, or that which goes a bit deeper into topics already
           introduced in the beginner section..
           not too many papers make it here.. this would be more geared
           towards kernel type vulnerability discussions and exploitation
    Well.. reason i am mailing vuln-dev is because i would like to start
    a new catagory:
           papers that discuss various manual (not automated!) exploitation
           and vulnerability search methods, common problems with various
           functions and also methods of auditing binary only programs.
    If you are interested in writing a paper for the auditing catagory,
    let me knowe..(or any other catagory?)

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