E-Mail Content Filtering Systems.

From: Aidan O'Kelly (okellyat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 11 2001 - 05:41:38 PDT

  • Next message: Cy Schubert - ITSD Open Systems Group: "Re: Tripwire temporary files"

    I have been doing some testing on our e-mail filtering software here, and
    have found a number of things, I have only tested the one product, however
    I'd say more are vunreable to this type of attack. The general idea is to
    make the e-mail system think one thing, and the e-mail client think another.
    Same principal as IDS systems mimicing the behaviour of the IP stack of the
    machines behind it.
    I'm amsumming the client is Outlook/Outlook Express
    Heres a few things that our gateway trips up on.
    - Extensions with quotes.
    or even 
    or whatever combination you want. When you open this attachment in
    outlook/outlook express it takes out the quotes... (I noticed after i ran
    Windows Update one day that outlook express stopped doing this and replaced
    the quotes with _  Outlook however does still do it.)
    - Double 'Content-Disposition' Lines
    This is probably more specific to the gateway tested, but if you put 2 lines
    for Content-Disposition, each one specificing a different filename, outlook
    uses the first one, the gateway used the second one. So you would have
    Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="evil.vbs"
    Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="nice.txt"
    And it gets let through.
    - Outlook express and Content-Type
    Outlook express(and outlook, but not as often) will sometimes automaticly
    put an extension on an attachment if it is not given a name in the mime
    For example if the headers for your attachment are
    Content-Type: audio/x-wav
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
    Content-Disposition: attachment
    Outlook Express will give it a name like ATT00012.wav
    It doesnt do it will all content-types though. A useful one would be
    and it will append a .hta extension on to it. Outlook only does a few, none
    of them are useful as far as i can tell. (maybe text/html, but if thats a
    problem so is any html mail)
    In general, I'd say most gateways dont take this kind of thing into
    condiseration. Thats why I'm posting to vuln-dev, maybe some of you can test
    your own mail gateways. 
    Aidan O'Kelly
    Systems Administrator      okellyat_private
    Xnet - The Data Storage People
    Dublin: +353 (1) 2740 100
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    www.xnet.ie | storageat_private
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