Re: A code red that could bring down the net?

From: Felix Harris (felixhat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 24 2001 - 03:25:51 PDT

  • Next message: Obscure -: "re: serv-u 2.5e"

    > 1) The Internet has a limited number of root name
    > servers.
    I'm going to make a stab in the dark, but this also assumes that 
    nameservers don't cache translations, and by nameservers I mean 
    the ones on ISPs and localhosts around the world. This would 
    mean that a DoS would have to operate until the cache expired, by 
    which time the attacking hosts could have been filtered, or the root 
    nameservers could have been kicked.
    > 2) An application can easilly be created to perform a
    > DOS attack on these root servers.
    As I've said previously, DDos wouldn't  work particularly well, 
    because there's a lot of hosts to hit, and the root nameservers are 
    fairly well maintained. The next suggestion would be just a typical 
    memory leaky-thingy (I love technical terms) or something along 
    those lines to kill the named. This is also fairly difficult as the 
    primary nameservers run different nameds (as far as I know), and 
    so would require multiple applications to be flawed. 
    my first post, yay. 
    Felix Harris (Felix-_@IRCNet)

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