Sendmail-8.11.2 / persistent connections

From: Lindsey Simon (lsimonat_private)
Date: Fri Aug 03 2001 - 13:18:43 PDT

  • Next message: Joshua Myles: "Re: slackware permissions"

    For the last two days we've been trying to figure out why all our email clients were timing out with
    our mail server. I've since installed postfix and that fixed the problem. Essentially, it seems we
    were attacked by some sort of persistent connection from a few IPs consistently.
    This was one: / 
    sendmail: ./f6V4kIr13292 client DATA status
    Our Norton AV gateway makes it appear that we're an open relay even though we're not. But whatever
    was happening was killing our ability to send email and I just wanted to bring this up and see if
    anyone has experienced something similar.

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