SV: IE troubles with image files

From: Patrik Birgersson (pbirgerssonat_private)
Date: Sat Aug 04 2001 - 02:38:48 PDT

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    > If you rename a GIF or JPG file to TXT, IE
    > can´t open it, it just stares and finishes cancelling.
    > So IE can´t open TXTs files wich start with:
    > GIF89a --->for gif files
    > for jpgs i am not sure
    I've tested this with IE 5.5 SP1 + Q299618.
    Here are the results:
    Two randomly chosen gif and jpg images were renamed to gif.txt and
    jpg.txt respectivly.
    TEST 1.
    Trying to open images with File -> Open my notepad.exe is spawned and
    displays the "content" of the images.
    TEST 2.
    Created a test.html document with links to the images:
    <A HREF="gif.txt">GIF</A> <A HREF="jpg.txt">JPEG</A>
    The "content" of the images were sucessfully displayed in the IE
    TEST 3.
    Used the <IMG> tag to embed the images in the html page:
    <IMG SRC="gif.txt"> <IMG SRC="jpg.txt">
    Image placeholders were shown, but no images (wrong MIME type
    according to extension).
    TEST 4.
    Renaming test.gif -> test.html and opening it in IE is displaying
    parts of the image "content": GIF89aL9³ÿÿÿÿÀÀÀ óó+}|??/E;
    I couldn't reproduce what you experienced in IE 5.0, so I suppose
    that this issue has been corrected by Microsoft (either in 5.5 or 5.5
    Thnx for your time  :)
    Patrik Birgersson
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