Re: Wireless Lans give EVERYONE ACCESS

From: Jonah Horowitz (jonahdark1at_private)
Date: Mon Aug 06 2001 - 22:56:29 PDT

  • Next message: leE: "Re: Code red II crashes cisco 678"

    This point has been made re+peat+ly by the White-Hat (and other)
    communities.  Wireless lans are totally public.  Furthermore, most
    people don't even use WEP!  So everything is cleartext.  There was a
    great presentation at DefCon about hacking wireless networks.  There
    are something like 40 accessible WAPs (wireless access points) from the
    corner of First and Market in SF.  (That's the financial district for
    those not in the bay area)  Only 40% of all WAPs were running WEP, and
    of these running WEP only 15% were actually secure (running IPSEC or
    some other variant).
    Jonah Horowitz
    White-Hat, etc...
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