Re: Code red II crashes cisco 678

From: leE (leeat_private)
Date: Tue Aug 07 2001 - 04:18:22 PDT

  • Next message: Amer Karim: "Re: CR II - winME? confirmation? (Slightly OT)"

    On Mon, 6 Aug 2001, leE wrote:
    > Has anyone tried to replicate this on other Cisco's at all?  I ask because
    > I guess it's entirely likely that chunks of IOS code are the same for
    > other routers.
    Thanks to everyone who replied to me saying that these boxes run a non-IOS
    operating system.
    I should have written that a bit more clearly, what I meant was that code
    isprobably shared within a company, and although these do not run IOS, IOS
    may contain the same code flaw.  Much like the multi-platform telnetd
    problem a few a weeks ago.
    Lee Brotherston - <leeat_private>

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