Winnt/Win2k Vuln ?

From: Red Pantz (redpantzat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 08 2001 - 14:17:40 PDT

  • Next message: Devdas Bhagat: "Re: CR II - winME? confirmation? (Slightly OT)"

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    Hello all, 
    I have found that if you name a file (can be any data file) a certain URL, on your desktop, and then g0 to IE and type that url, the web site will not come up, only the program that was named the certain.confusing? 
    - copy autoexec.bat to ..\desktop
    - rename autoexec.bat to (can be any url)
    - then go to IE and type ""
    - your batch file is then ran
    a few issues i have w/ this is:
    - the prog will only run if it is on your desktop
    - if you type "", for example
      it will not run(unless u name your file the same thing)
    - it has only been tested on Win2k SP1, Winnt 4.0 SP6a w/ IE 5.5
    - it doesn't seem to have any privelage escalation (all progs are run as the current user logged on)
    Just want a few others to try it and see wut they think
    thanx alot
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