RE: Winnt/Win2k Vuln ?

From: JKlemencat_private
Date: Fri Aug 10 2001 - 11:58:29 PDT

  • Next message: martin.goudreaultat_private: "Re: Winnt/Win2k Vuln ?"

    Was able to reproduce with Win2K SP2 and IE 5.50.4522.1800 when I opened IE
    and simply typed in (or whatever I named the file - I simply
    copied write.exe to Desktop\ ). I was NOT able to reproduce
    this when:
    Adding http:// in front of the filename in the IE URL bar
    When launching it from the Start/Run menu
    Joe Klemencic
    --- Original Message ---
    > - copy autoexec.bat to ..\desktop
    > - rename autoexec.bat to (can be any url)
    > - then go to IE and type ""
    > - your batch file is then ran
    Confirmed on Win2K Pro SP1 (5.00.2195) with IE 5.50.4522.1800 (56-bit).
    Actually IE tried to download the file probably because of
    the '.com' extension. I also went to START/RUN and typed in
    and it tried to run it too (actually giving me an error about it was not a
    vaild Win32 App).

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