RE: Cell phone access to email

From: John Thornton (jthorntonat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 22 2001 - 06:23:18 PDT

  • Next message: Stephen A Santos: "RE: Cell phone access to email"

        It is probably filtering connections to port 110 of the exchange 
    server. I would assume that when the phone goes online it has a ip 
    address that is just part of a subnet that is allowed to connect 
    to the exchange server though the firewall. Either that or when the 
    phone goes online it is being routed though a machine that exists 
    behind the firewall. 
        Most likely its the latter of the two. I'm sure that if you could 
    snag the phone's ip address it could be DoS with attacks such as 
    land, jolt, nestea, ping of death, and those types of attacks so 
    they would want to have the phones protected behind a firewall.
    John Thornton  -  jthorntonat_private
    Editor in Chief
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    John Thornton  -  jthorntonat_private
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