Re: Micro$oft wants to dominate the world!??

From: Thorat_private
Date: Mon Aug 27 2001 - 14:49:12 PDT

  • Next message: Dave Dudley: "RE: Micro$oft wants to dominate the world!??"

    Ignoring the World Domination hysterics, one should note that the domain is
    not added to safe zones;  It is added to TypedURL's, because you typed it
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Syzop" <syzat_private>
    To: <vuln-devat_private>
    Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 1:15 PM
    Subject: Micro$oft wants to dominate the world!??
    > When you type a non-existing domain name in internet explorer
    > you get redirected to some thing....
    > I don't know when this was introduced, but AFAIK this was in
    > IE5 and not in IE4... Anyway, normally you get some (stupid)
    > general error page (from your local hd?).. but now you really get a
    > page online:
    > == <snip> ==
    > "We can't find "<domain>".
    > Click Go to try your address again.
    > [<domain>                       ] [Go]
    > Or, correct the spelling of your address above and click Go.
    > See more results for "<domain>" at MSN Search.
    > -----------
    > Get help
    > See technical details
    > Powered by: <%$&#$ logo> MSN Search
    > == </snip> ==
    > I think this time micro$oft has really gone way too far...
    > They can see every non-existing domain lookup from IE users...
    > They can redirect every user to some stupid site of them (actually
    > they are doing that right now) if somebody types an non-existing name.
    > I also noticed (when searching in the registry) the domain is added
    > to safe zone's or something.. mmm!
    > My question is: is it possible to edit some dll/exe/whatever to remove
    > this behavior (so apart from methods like adding your own
    > record in your dns server [or hosts] and firewalling the whole msn stuff).
    >     Syzop.
    > PS: Note: this message was written in just a few minutes, it's very likely
    >       some things are incorrect
    > PSS: Some users (including me) are panicing and switching (back) to NS.

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