Re: possible AIM dos?

From: Deigodudeat_private
Date: Wed Oct 10 2001 - 17:59:20 PDT

  • Next message: leon: "RE: possible AIM dos?"

    an interesting point here is the usefulness of the away option... Ah yes, the
    beautiful autoresponse it is possible to make a bunch of sn's msg the victim
    and have him respond with him away msg and then warn him...don't think it
    counts? it does. Maybe they should make it so the auto response protocol
    doesn't count as an im towards warning...but there is a small problem with can send an autoresponse without actually being away...and can
    indeed conduct chat entirely in autoresponse (it happens to be a feature of
    aimfilter for those who have that program) Anyway, some thoughts

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