Re: searching through the address space of a process

From: Gigi Sullivan (sullivanat_private)
Date: Mon Oct 15 2001 - 02:27:37 PDT

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    Aiee :)
    On Mon, Oct 15, 2001 at 11:03:50AM +0200, Gigi Sullivan wrote:
    >    I do nothing about doing it under Windows, but you can achieve this
    >    quite easly under Unix; Just look for "Return in LibC" in BugtraQ archives
    >    by Solar Designer (indeed, that article is much more than you need) or
    >    just take a look at the attached example.
       Uh, nevertheless to say that I forgot to attach something ;)
       Attachment follows.
    bye bye
                            -- gg sullivan
    Lorenzo Cavallaro	`Gigi Sullivan' <sullivanat_private>
    Until I loved, life had no beauty;
    I did not know I lived until I had loved. (Theodor Korner)

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