Re: searching through the address space of a process

From: Enrique A. Compań Gzz. (enriqueat_private)
Date: Mon Oct 15 2001 - 12:09:56 PDT

  • Next message: White Vampire: "Re: Civil Disobedience"

    I wrote this code for the null printer exploit, to search for "Nice" in
    memory, starting from 0F0000h. It's very simple
    but it works.
    The string looks like this in memory:
    ...."Nicedata: [code]"....
            mov eax, 0ffffffffh                                              ;
            sub eax, 0fff0ffffh                                              ;
    eax to 0F0000h
            inc eax
    ; eax=eax+1
            cmp [eax], dword ptr 'eciN'                             ; is it
            jne search_loop                                               ; no,
    it isn't...loop
            add eax, 5                                                       ;
    skip some
            add eax, 5                                                       ;
            call eax
    ; call the found code
    Well in this case I don't get segfaults, that area is valid.
    If you know the range of where the string could be (like in this case, I
    found the address using windbg), you can start searching from there.
    If you wanna go complex, you can handle the excpetions (iczelion tutorials
    them, I think).
    Hope it helps some way...
    Good luck
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Franklin DeMatto" <franklin.listsat_private>
    To: <vuln-devat_private>
    Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2001 11:32 PM
    Subject: searching through the address space of a process
    > Is there a way for a process (i.e., shellcode) to search through its
    > address space (looking for a particular string, etc.)?  I'm interested
    > particularly in doing this under Windows, although Unix would be nice
    > also.  Can this be done without using any API/syscalls, just in assembly
    > I can see to basic ways of doing it:
    > 1) Determining the address space, and then searching it
    > 2) Trying every block, but catching the gpf/segfault exceptions
    > However, I do not know how to implement either one
    > Franklin
    > Franklin DeMatto
    > Senior  Analyst, qDefense Penetration Testing
    > qDefense: Making Security Accessible

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