Re: Civil Disobedience

From: Sebastian Ip (9sckiat_private)
Date: Mon Oct 15 2001 - 11:45:51 PDT

  • Next message: Chip Mefford: "Re: Civil Disobedience"

    > Talk to your representatives about this!  Explain to them that this law
    > makes it impossible to learn computer security from the ground up, which
    > means that there will be no more qualified new computer security people
    > in ten years, which means all the good security companies will not be in
    > the USA, which means less jobs, less taxes and more poverty.
    > Felix
    Not ot mention that mean all the people in the know will either be foreign or 
    underground. Meaning less security. It's stupid this self defeating attitude 
    that American politicians takes. Ok not self defeating.. money serving.
    I suppose you guys heard about the RIAA's attempts to use the 
    "anti-terrorism" bill as a means ot get a "RIAA gets to root you so they can 
    remove mp3s" cause into US law.
    I always though they had a point with priacy when it came to Napster. But 
    this has nothing to do with it. Either their execs are very technologically 
    and socially deprived or they are just evil.
    Sebastian Ip

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