Re: Civil Disobedience

From: TD - Sales International Holland B.V. (tdat_private)
Date: Tue Oct 16 2001 - 06:27:24 PDT

  • Next message: Blue Boar: "[Fwd: Civil Disobedience]"

    I think this person ment victimless in the sense of body count (thus no 
    dead/injured/otherwise fysical damaged people/animals)
    On Tuesday 16 October 2001 03:31, Joe Shaw stuffed this into my mailbox:
    > On Mon, 15 Oct 2001, Hire, Ejay wrote:
    > > Don't you think "hacking is a victimless crime" is a bit soft?  I
    > > agree it doesn't merit life inprisonment, but it still has an impact
    > > on its' victims.
    > Crackin is never a victimless crime.  Someone owns the compromised
    > systems.  I've personally spent more time restoring/securing systems after
    > a compromise because people didn't implement adequate security measures
    > than I'd ever want to.
    > Yours in freedom and liberty,
    > --
    > Joseph W. Shaw II
    > Network Security Specialist/CCNA
    > Unemployed.  Will hack for food.  God Bless.
    > Apparently I'm overqualified but undereducated to be employed.

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