Re: Civil Disobedience

From: Geoff Galitz (galitzat_private)
Date: Tue Oct 16 2001 - 12:06:21 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Kuethe: "Re: Civil Disobedience (and the traffic light myth)"

    On Tuesday, October 16, 2001, at 05:50 AM, TD - Sales International 
    Holland B.V. wrote:
    > I heared that the european parlement also have a motion on crypto. They 
    > want
    > it so that the makers of the crypto software can also decrypt it 
    > easily. I
    > wonder where the point of encrypting then goes...... Those things will 
    > leak
    > if they don't leak they will be discovered elsewhere.. These are 
    > bullshit
    > laws, just totally deny crypto then, in which case the underground will 
    > write
    > it and it will still be used.
    Maybe it is time to put our money where out mouth is?  Is it time
    to move this thread off of vuln-dev and to an appropriate list
    that handles issues of (global) technology lobbying where we can
    use the resources to actually solicit our representatives and
    get organized?  If there isn't one, then is it time to create one?
    I'm just a little concerned that folks will debate these issues to
    death on vuln-dev (and whatever other lists) and then lack
    the initiative to actually  voice their concerns where they
    count; in congress, parliament, or wherever.
    Does such a list or resource already exist?
    Geoff Galitz                      |   I am a Berkeley engineer;
    College of Chemistry     |   I prefer my engineering simple,
    UC Berkeley                    |   and my life complicated.

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