Re: Civil Disobedience

From: TD - Sales International Holland B.V. (tdat_private)
Date: Tue Oct 16 2001 - 05:50:22 PDT

  • Next message: TD - Sales International Holland B.V.: "Re: Civil Disobedience"

    I heared that the european parlement also have a motion on crypto. They want 
    it so that the makers of the crypto software can also decrypt it easily. I 
    wonder where the point of encrypting then goes...... Those things will leak 
    if they don't leak they will be discovered elsewhere.. These are bullshit 
    laws, just totally deny crypto then, in which case the underground will write 
    it and it will still be used.
    On Monday 15 October 2001 20:56, Jose Nazario stuffed this into my mailbox:
    > On Mon, 15 Oct 2001, Joel Rivers wrote:
    > > What civil liberties are we giving up?  Since when is hacking,
    > > virus-writing, and website defacing a civil liberty?
    > >
    > > I'll say that the "increase in government surveillance authority" is
    > > the primary area of concern in regards to "losing civil liberties" in
    > > this bill. If anything, this is the area we should be focusing our
    > > concern, not on harsh penalties for those who are attempting illegal
    > > behavior.
    > the use of crypto, ie in PGP, and the research into vulnerabilities
    > definitely qualify as free speech in many arenas. these laws has the
    > potential to compromise that civil liberty.
    > ____________________________
    > jose nazario						     joseat_private
    > 	      	     PGP: 89 B0 81 DA 5B FD 7E 00  99 C3 B2 CD 48 A0 07 80
    > 				       PGP key ID 0xFD37F4E5 (

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