Re: Time-to-patch vs Disclosure method

From: terry white (twhiteat_private)
Date: Thu Oct 18 2001 - 09:50:34 PDT

  • Next message: Don Weber: "RE: Open Response To Microsoft Security - RE: It's Time to End Information Anarchy"

    on "10-17-2001" "Mark Kennedy" writ:
    : But just because they are the source of the vulnerability does not
    : undermine their valid concerns on how that vulnerability is disclosed.
    ... that of "COURSE" assumes the "ONLY" source of such information
    found within 'professional security circles'.
        i find of interest, "culp's" suggestion of leveraging income
    vis-a-vis 'disclosure philosophy'.  that elevates stupidity to art.
    clearly, threatening the 'security-savvy', 'technically proficient', and
    'intellectually tenacious' seen as apropos to the situation at hand.
        m$ is blessed with an ignorant market, however, is mistaken in
    thinking that synonomous with stupidity.  i suspect that distinction will
    be made clear when XP finds widespread use.  there's nothing more
    dangerous than a lot of ignorant people asking questions, who won't
    accepting the rote corporate answers ...
    ... i'm a man , and i can change ,
        if i really have to , i guess ...

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