Re: 0-day i hear $1000?

From: Thiago Conde Figueiro (thiagoat_private)
Date: Fri Oct 19 2001 - 13:48:37 PDT

  • Next message: Pedro Miller Rabinovitch: "Re: 0-day i hear $1000?"

    HC> This certainly is an excellent point.  MSSP's are
    HC> likely to see that putting a little $$ up front for
    HC> big dividends in publicity on the back end.  Who's to
    HC> say it hasn't already happening.
    	Next thing you know, anti-virus companies will be paying people to discover viruses.  Heyyy wait a minute... :-)
    Thiago Conde Figueiró
    Cipher Technology
    "Segurança em TI - uma especialidade Cipher Technology"

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