Shutting down windows NT remotely (without winnt toolkit)?

From: Lincoln Yeoh (lyeohat_private)
Date: Sun Nov 04 2001 - 18:42:51 PST

  • Next message: grugq: "Subversive Dynamic Linking on UNIX Platforms"

    A reboot isn't helpful coz the machines come back up and start scanning the
    whole internet again. And the clueless admins probably won't even notice.
    A proper no data loss shutdown without having to upload a program is
    preferable. I tried shutting down NT 4.0 using cmd.exe, rundll32.exe and
    user32.dll stuff and no luck so far :(. 
    With a shutdown the admins should notice and eventually fix things. If they
    don't then the server probably wasn't doing anything useful (just scanning
    the internet :) ) so it might as well be shut down :).
    Any ideas welcome.
    At 03:57 AM 04-11-2000 -0800, Robert Freeman wrote:
    >>From my experience, without an active monitoring agent, any process may
    >request a legal system reboot. A more efficient method would be to use
    >malicious code to reboot, blue screen, or black screen (yes, black screen!).
    >I haven't continued virii-esque development past NT4 SP6, but I imagine the
    >techniques would still work as well as pass right through any monitoring
    >agent. I have a lot of free time these days so I might see what I can cook
    >up for 2000/XP.
    >----- Original Message -----
    >From: "Lincoln Yeoh" <lyeohat_private>
    >To: <foobat_private>; <supergateat_private>
    >Cc: <vuln-devat_private>
    >Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 6:35 PM
    >Subject: Re: (pointless?) overflow in tftp.exe (Was: Re: twlc advisory:
    >possible overflow in ms ftp client)
    >> Is it possible to use it shutdown those Code Red/Nimda NT servers
    >> Does IIS by default have enough permissions to shutdown the whole computer
    >> or must it do some set privilege thing?
    >> Cheerio,
    >> Link.

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