RE: Infected jpeg files?

From: Thorat_private
Date: Fri Nov 09 2001 - 11:06:32 PST

  • Next message: Rob Pickering: "Re: Infected jpeg files?"

    Hash: SHA1
    >I've got 10 images.  In these images I have codes which when examined
    >with the right software reveal letters/numbers.  I tell you that in a
    >string of locations is the letter combos you're interested in.  Boom.
    >Over these ten images, I've tranmitted information to you *WITHOUT*
    >changing the image one bit.  I'm simply using what exists to home you in
    >to locations which themselves are innocuous.  In the process, I've sent
    >you a message.
    Sounds pretty much like a one-time pad. You could actually do this all in a 
    single message if you created the pad from the image.  But, as in all 
    examples like this, the trick is to get the pad to them securely, just like 
    you would have to get the string of locations to him securely.
    The logic problem here is that you have to have the images first before 
    giving the pad/referencing the strings.  So, if you are going to securely 
    give them the locations of the strings, you might as well just give them 
    the message.
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