Killing Thread (New bugs discovered!)

From: Blue Boar (BlueBoarat_private)
Date: Mon Nov 19 2001 - 14:21:17 PST

  • Next message: DePriest, Jason R.: "RE: New bugs discovered!"

    OK, I think we've had enough check-in on this one.  Clearly, there is
    a problem with the older version of gzip, which Slackware is still 
    shipping.  It looks like patches are widely used elsewhere, whether
    they're official or not.  A couple of people chimed in that a Solaris
    box or two gave the segfault, including Solaris 8.  I'd like to see
    one or two posts on that indicating whether that was from the Sun 
    additional software CD, or from sunfreeware, or self-compiled or what.
    I.e. if Sun is shipping the bad version, I want that documented.
    People often send messages (which I rarely approve) about why we're
    having a discussion about something that isn't setuid/setgid.  The 
    original poster outlines one scenario.  There are others.  I'm not opposed
    to allowing the occasion discussion about these kinds of bugs, especially
    if it's a common util.
    So, except for the Sun question above, or if someone writes an "exploit"
    this, or if someone wants to contribute another scenarion where extra
    privs can be gained, I'll close this thread.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Mon Nov 19 2001 - 14:33:13 PST