Re: help: raw_ip socket and system implication

From: Izik (izikat_private)
Date: Tue Nov 20 2001 - 16:50:06 PST

  • Next message: vuln-dev: "New Remote Hole found in Berkeley Fingerd!"

    the core of your problme is the idea that your kernel isn't aware of 
    your actions. there for it's react this way.
    as part of my job i've come into that problme when i've tried to build a 
    small tcp/ip stack for linux.
    once you send a SYN packet (using raw sockets i guess?) this action goes 
    below the kernel supervising
    and bascily isn't logged in the kernel innr tcp/ip stack ...
    after the other side recviced your packet it's generate an answer packet 
    so far it's all good. but ...
    once the packet arrived to your machine the kernel picking it up and 
    then drop it (by RST flag).
    because it didn't found that connection in any of the recoreds.
    as you got raw sockets to send packets without kernel getting in the 
    way. you also need the oppsite mate
    and that's called "DIVERT", "DIVERT" is a method to pick up packets 
    using a firewall (eg. ipchains or iptables)
    without the kernel getting in the way. it's involed in kernel patch and 
    ipchains (or iptables) as well.
    to download and learn more go to:
    good luck in your project.
    izik @

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