Re: Remote exploit for popular Sniffer Ettercap.

From: Brian (bmcat_private)
Date: Wed Dec 12 2001 - 16:51:57 PST

  • Next message: Giorgio: "Re: Remote exploit for popular Sniffer Ettercap."

    The snort signatures released by GOBBLES Labs posted to their website
    at to catch this exploit are not 
    Not only does the string "GOBBLES IDENTIFY" never showup in the
    payload sent by the exploit, but if it did, that is an extremely 
    simple string to evade.
    Below is a correctly working (and "official" :P) snort signature.
    alert tcp any any -> any any 6667 (msg:"EXPLOIT Ettercap IRC parse overflow attempt"; flags:A+; content:"PRIVMSG nickserv IDENTIFY"; nocase; offset:0; dsize:>200; reference:url,; classtype:misc-attack; sid:1382; rev:1;)

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