Linux Firewalls

From: McKee, Charles (
Date: Thu Dec 20 2001 - 14:51:53 PST

  • Next message: Pete Finnigan: "Re: How to trace system level call in AIX"

    I have a quick question about an article I have just read in the latest
    addition of Sys Admin. 
    In the article it states that one can keep alive IPChains and Natd when
    you do a shutdown -h on a Linux box, that is running Red hat 6.2. 
    I was wondering will this work on for the latest versions of Linux and
    what about the BSD family, Mandrake or even Solaris. 
    Also if this is true, can your firewall be exploited or even the NatD
    Has anyone ever actually tried this type of configurations and does it
    work well.
    Charles McKee 
    Security Systems Engineer Tel: 619 522 5881
      NMCI ISF <> 	
    NMCI-Information Strike Force 
    Information Assurance 
    San Diego NOC
    Naval Air Station North Island 
    Bldg. 1482 	

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