Re: Linux Firewalls

From: Kain (kainat_private)
Date: Thu Dec 20 2001 - 16:50:53 PST

  • Next message: David Correa: "Re: Linux Firewalls"

    On Thu, Dec 20, 2001 at 02:51:53PM -0800, McKee, Charles wrote:
    > I have a quick question about an article I have just read in the latest
    > addition of Sys Admin. 
    > In the article it states that one can keep alive IPChains and Natd when
    > you do a shutdown -h on a Linux box, that is running Red hat 6.2. 
    > I was wondering will this work on for the latest versions of Linux and
    > what about the BSD family, Mandrake or even Solaris. 
    What happens is that ipchains, iptables, and other friends have rulesets
    that would only get unloaded by a shutdown script.  In most cases, it
    wouldn't matter, since those kernel subsystems will never see packets
    since all your net interfaces should be brought down by that point.
    Assassins do it from behind.
    Concerned Citizen
    Bryon Roche, Kain <kainat_private>

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