Re: Cross-Site Scripting in PlumTree?

From: Marshal (
Date: Sun Jan 06 2002 - 15:59:20 PST

  • Next message: Curt Wilson: "Re: Possible Yahoo Messenger security issues"

    at your local vendor...securityfocus :-)
    a nice url with some links to more information.
    grt marshal
    Oliver, Todd wrote:
    >Where could I obtain solid documentation on Cross-Site Scripting
    >vulnerabilities and how they work and what kind of exposures they
    >-----Original Message-----
    >From: Ed Moyle [mailto:emoyleat_private] 
    >Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 2:33 PM
    >To: vuln-devat_private
    >Subject: Cross-Site Scripting in PlumTree?
    >Anybody know about cross-scripting in PlumTree?  I happened to notice
    >this while I was at the plumtree-hosted demonstration site
    >(  It appears as if plumtree portal ships by
    >default some error page (error.asp) that parrots back the message that
    >appears as part of the request URI.  This error page seems to recieve an
    >argument that is a textual description of the error that is shown to the
    >user on the resulting page...
    >In the below example, <plumtreeserver> should point to the plumtree
    >server (obviously), and <portalname> should be the directory for the
    >portal.  For example, you might have a plumtree server called
    >"portal.domain.dom" and the first directory was called "portal"...  
    >(seems to work w/ IE, but is not tested on Netscape.)
    >Does anybody know if PlumTree has a procedure to fix this posted
    >somewhere? -E

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