Re: Possible Yahoo Messenger security issues

From: Curt Wilson (cwsecgeekat_private)
Date: Sun Jan 06 2002 - 22:35:40 PST

  • Next message: Ed Moyle: "RE: Cross-Site Scripting in PlumTree?"

     ('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)
    In-Reply-To: <20020104192111.15122.qmailat_private>
    This appears to just be a webserver used by Yahoo 
    IM to xfer files; check your IM preferences for file xfer 
    options (which includes a path to virus scanner 
    executable). The default port appears to be port 80 so 
    Code Red, Nimda and all usual scans will be hitting 
    this baby and showing up in the Yserver.log. There 
    could be some options for attack here but I've yet to 
    explore them. I tried to manually grab a file using the 
    fomat shown in Yserver.log; I sent a file to myself and 
    it looks like the file was checked first (Head 
    image/jpeg) and then sent. Myname618 is my 
    (sanitized) yahoo email address, not sure what the 
    1010383053484 is, but acid_test.jpg is the file I sent. 
    Could be some options for something other 
    than /Messenger as the initial connection string and 
    AppID=Messenger. Could be a way to spoof 
    usernames here; not sure what the K=lc9lid is in this 
    case, needs more analysis when I have more time.
    The HEAD request:
    01/06/102 23:57:42.593	01/06/102 23:57:42.625
    	Head	image/jpeg
    id_test.jpg	200	0	.jpg
    	HEAD /Messenger.myname618.101038305
    Accept: */*
    User-Agent: Mozilla/4.01 [en] (Win95; I)
    Content-Length: 0
    Cache-Control: no-cache
    The GET request:
    01/06/102 23:57:42.640	01/06/102 23:57:42.796
    	00:00:00.156	Get
    id_test.jpg	200	249051	.jpg
    	GET /Messenger.myname618.1010383053
    User-Agent: Mozilla/4.01 [en] (Win95; I)
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    I tried a basic directory traversal, as well as manually 
    pasting one of the requests from the logfiles into 
    a "telnet localhost 80" and received this:
    HTTP/1.0 550 Failed on redirect
    Server: Y!
    Running Yserver.exe directly brings up a "Component 
    Server" window.
    The only intelligble strings I can see from viewing the 
    EXE are
    Probably some room for explotation somewhere in 
    here, but I don't have time to mess with it. Have fun, 
    let me know what you come up with if anything.

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