RE: Reported Kazaa and Morpheus vulnerabilities

From: Mitch Watts (Mitch.Wattsat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 05 2002 - 10:41:37 PST

  • Next message: Frog Man: "Security Hole in WWWeBBB forum"

    The only possible issue is in users that share their entire drive. They are sometimes telecommuters and may expose access information to their company. I didn't see any issue until last night when curiosity got the best of me and I found a user with company information shared. I found remote access information through surfing the hard drive. Then did a search for XLS files and found inventory and financial data. What about searching for Quickbooks extensions?
    I still don't think it's a big issue we are talking about maybe 30 users out of 490,000 at a time most of which are just mp3 collectors. 
    But it's at least something that remote or traveling users should be aware of before you give them their laptop and send them home.

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