Re: chaging your @home IP address... could you take a bunch ofthem....probably... could you get something from it...maybe

From: Russell Handorf (
Date: Wed Feb 06 2002 - 10:06:52 PST

  • Next message: Blue Boar: "Re: Problem with FreeBSD's version of SED"

    Mkay- here is another unknown secret, specific to the Comcast network. If 
    users have the digital cable service, just the TV box, they also can get 
    the cable modem service-- for free.
    All it entails is hooking up a cable modem that they buy into the jack. In 
    a miss configuration with their DHCP server, it'll lease your ethernet card 
    an IP due to the topology of the network (technically, as it is setup now, 
    the modems are just the same thing as ethernet bridges).
    Their private network is comprised of 172.30.XXX.XXX (from my 
    investigations), That knowledge was obtained after doing a traceroute on an 
    IP that was flagged in my IDS logs. A direct connection to these IP's is, 
    of course impossible. Or is it? Not entirely. There are a few border 
    routers that still have 'cisco:cisco' on them which route to their internal 
    As of right now, these are oversights by the netadmins of I 
    don't entirely blame them for it. If you were assigned the task of bringing 
    in over a million customers to a private network that hasn't been built 
    yet, you'd probably miff up too. Their effort is commendable, however these 
    oversights might just possibly lead to the compromise of customer data.
    IE:	test/test	@Work Leads Database.
    There are a few other, more critical databases exposed like this, but I 
    don't feel comfortable enough with posting them here. But as I said 
    earlier, mistakes like this will happen with a migration like of this 
    Russell Handorf
    oooo, shiney ::Wanders after it::
    "Computer games don't affect kids, I mean if Pacman affected us as kids, 
    we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills and listening 
    to repetitive music." ~unknown

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