Re: Problem with FreeBSD's version of SED

From: Blue Boar (BlueBoarat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 06 2002 - 09:42:41 PST

  • Next message: Piyush Agarwal: "Re: directory traversal"

    keoki wrote:
    > A problem exist in FreeBSD's version of SED, that
    Now, before everyone in the world write to say "this isn't exploitable",
    no it probabaly isn't exploitable in any interesting way.  As discussed
    before, I will allow announcements of interesting bugs that have no
    obvious security relationship on occasion.  The appropriate response is
    to simply note it and move on, or say it does it on some paltform that
    hasn't been mentioned yet.  More than once we're had a "non exploitable"
    bug mentioned here that someone was able to leverage later for
    security stuff.  As long as the volume stays as low as it has in the past,
    it doesn't hurt anything to toss it in the list archives.

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