Re: UCD-snmp 4.2.1 exploit - proof of concept

From: Blue Boar (BlueBoarat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 19 2002 - 09:15:13 PST

  • Next message: mafj: "Outlook Web Access view include files vulnerability"

    zenparseat_private wrote:
    > /*
    > UCD-snmp 4.2.1 remote exploit
    Given the fact the another zenparse is claiming this wasn't him, and 
    an anonymous poster who says this is a fake, I would assume it's
    a fake (or possibly a leaked exploit that belongs to someone else.)
    As is the case with almost every single exploit that goes here, I 
    have not checked it to see if it is a trojan.  If someone wants
    to comment on the validity, I'd be happy to put that through.  This
    wouldn't be the first or last trojan posted here, and subscribers must
    always be suspicious of code on the list.

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