Re: Rumours about Apache 1.3.22 exploits -> analysis of so-called exploit client

From: Sean Davis (diveat_private)
Date: Thu Mar 07 2002 - 11:50:00 PST

  • Next message: H D Moore: "Re: SSH2 Exploit?"

    On Thu, Mar 07, 2002 at 08:46:29PM +0100, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
    > On Thu, Mar 07, 2002 at 12:07:31AM -0500, Sean Davis wrote:
    > > First, I want to thank everybody who has posted information on this - it's
    > > something that (for obvious reasons) we don't want on our machines.
    > > 
    > > I have a question, however. Does this "virus" only affect Linux hosts?
    > > I personally do not run Linux, and have not for some time (all the security
    > > problems being just one of many reasons, but I don't want this to become an
    > > OS war)
    > > 
    > > I run NetBSD. NetBSD has, as an option. Linux binary emulation.
    > > Now, while I don't think there is any way for this virus to infect any other
    > > files on your system (that you do not own) unless you are root, how exactly
    > > is this program getting root?
    > > 
    > > Stop me if I'm wrong - but this thread was originally about apache exploits.
    > > Where is the vulnerability, apache, php, or what?
    > In this specific case, the exploit is in php (unless I misunderstood the
    > wulnerability it's about).
    I think the vulnerability in question is in PHP. Is the version of PHP4 in
    NetBSD pkgsrc fixed? I've disabled php in apache since I don't use it much
    anyway, but I'd feel a lot better about re-enabling it if I knew it was no
    longer an issue.
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