Re: SSH2 Exploit?

From: H D Moore (hdmat_private)
Date: Thu Mar 07 2002 - 06:22:30 PST

  • Next message: Steve Wright: "Re: SSH2 Exploit?"

    Heh, no problem. I have heard of some specific exploits for ssh2 commercial, 
    having to do with flooding the server with SSH2_MSG packets during the SSH 
    session. Nothing solid yet, I tested against openssh and was only able to DoS.
    On Thursday 07 March 2002 08:15 am, Ron DuFresne wrote:
    > Mr. Moore,
    > Thanks for the binaries.  I'd gotten a copy earlier from another rouce
    > also to campare these with. but, I'm suspecting they will come out
    > similiar.  I realise I was a bit over-zealous in my statements that there
    > was not a working exploit for ssh1 protocol, and after sending that
    > response off looked over my ssh related library of facts, or announcements
    > from the various mailing lists discovering Dave Dittrich's analysis of the
    > crc32 exploit from awhile back.  So, my statements were of course
    > over-broad, but, fit the purpose still in trying to identify if a
    > new exploit was actually circulating that exploited ssh2 as some had
    > been suggesting.  Thus far I have been unable to ferrit out any such
    > claims with actual evidence such as logs showing something trying or
    > actually committing such an exploit on ssh2, or source or binaries
    > for such an exploit.  So, I stand corrected unless one reads me
    > below without regard to ssh2 <grin>.  Still, if folks are aware of this,
    > and disable the fallback to ssh1 from their ssh2 deamons, exploiting of
    > the deamon is not possible.  This should be a compeling reason for folks
    > to move to the newer ssh2 protocol, but, we all know how long it takes
    > for such matters to evolve once a tool like ssh1 becomes entrenched over
    > a large number of systems.  Sorry for the confusion to those that read me
    > and took my mis-statements as total fact.  of course, if I am in error
    > here and there is an exploit for ssh2 also circulating, then please
    > correct me and update Mr. Cimpoesu to avoid his being misadvised by my
    > statements here.
    > Again, thanks much,
    > Ron DuFresne
    > On Thu, 7 Mar 2002, H D Moore wrote:
    > > This is a ssh1 crc32 auto-rooter, courtesy of incident response:
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > You have 24 hours to grab a copy before I remove it. I have not checked
    > > the contained binaries for trojans or virii yet, so please dont run them
    > > unless you verify them yourself. An auto-rooter would not be created if
    > > the exploit it used (x2) doesn't work...
    > >
    > > On Wednesday 27 February 2002 08:10 pm, Ron DuFresne wrote:
    > > > There's nothing here that actually suggests the systems were
    > > > compromised via sshd, neither sshd1 nor sshd2.  Nor is there an actual
    > > > accounting of what other services were open for possible exploit on the
    > > > systems in question.  Nothing about the kernels chosen and possible
    > > > problems there, nor if the systems were acutally remotely exploited of
    > > > if <as is much more possible> that an internal user on the systems
    > > > actually rooted the systems.  I have seen code to scan for sshd1, seen
    > > > the traces in my logs, and there have been hints of possible sshd1
    > > > exploit code ciculating for awhile now, with no real evicdence
    > > > presented there is such an exploit in use that works remotely.  Those
    > > > exploits of sshd1 that have been suggested are far above the needs and
    > > > skills of simple skript-kiddies though.  SSHD2 that I've seen
    > > > vulnerabilites mentioned for though are those that include sshd1
    > > > support, so, if there is real evidence of an sshd2 remote exploit or
    > > > even a remote sshd1 exploit in acutal use, then, I'd certainly like to
    > > > see the code or binaries in question.  Otherwie, we only have rumrrs of
    > > > such and most likely have systems hacked via other vectors that are
    > > > used to scan for possibly exploitable sshd's, and these scans are
    > > > possibly placed for scare tactics or diversion from the real purpose of
    > > > the rooting that has taken place.
    > > >
    > > > Thanks,
    > > >
    > > > Ron DuFresne
    > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    > "Cutting the space budget really restores my faith in humanity.  It
    > eliminates dreams, goals, and ideals and lets us get straight to the
    > business of hate, debauchery, and self-annihilation." -- Johnny Hart
    > 	***testing, only testing, and damn good at it too!***
    > OK, so you're a Ph.D.  Just don't touch anything.

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