Re: Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities on Major Websites

From: alrferreiraat_private
Date: Fri Mar 08 2002 - 12:01:10 PST

  • Next message: david evlis reign: "aim exploit details"

    One is about a problem where many programmers have not given no attention.
    It engloba a bigger number of attacks beyond scripts; one is about one used
    technique for many types of attacks that try to explore the confidence
    between an user and a site.
     The problem appears when a long ago trustworthy site incorporates in
    itself proper dynamic data supplied by its users without verifying these
    inputs full. Badly-intentioned users can explore this problem supplying
    given to the site who finish presenting shown unexpected collateral effect
    when being.
    These effect normally involve the sending of data when cracker by means of
    one another less safe site, even so they can (in rare cases) use the site
    in itself to transmit the information.
    That is, through a code in the malicious HTML or XML, aggressor it can use
    tags that they can bring a serious comprometimento of the system. An
    aggressor can make a victim to send its data for the program. Then the
    program has that to be apt to protecting the victim of it. Much thing is
    for still happening...
    Without more,
    André Luiz Rodrigues Ferreira
    Carol - Depto. de Informática - Orlandia-SP-Brasil
    alrferreiraat_private -
    Sem mais,

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