RE: Strange behaviour in Win2k

From: Matt Priestley (mpriestat_private)
Date: Fri Mar 08 2002 - 11:32:20 PST

  • Next message: alrferreiraat_private: "Re: Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities on Major Websites"

    Not to trivialize this because it might indeed be a real bug, but have
    you examined your mouse wheel? I have seen similar behavior before on
    mice with gunked up wheels.
    -matthew Priestley
    -----Original Message-----
    From: npcompleter [mailto:npcompleterat_private] 
    Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 3:05 AM
    To: vuln-devat_private
    Subject: Strange behaviour in Win2k
    Hi all,
    When I was viewing emails using Outlook 2002 (aka Outlook XP) on a Win2k
    pro SP2 box (Version 5.00.2195), I noticed something strange.
    A message mentioned a URL. I selected the URL and copied it to clipboard
    using Ctrl+C keyboard shortcut (and later, using Copy command in the
    context menu,) that's when something happened.
    I tried to move the cursor to the system tray, but the cursor refused to
    move a millimeter below the status bar, or it moves for 1/10 second and
    it gets back above the status bar as if it was locked there. When I
    waited for a few seconds, everything went back normal. I copied
    different text to the clipboard, the cursor moved normally. I copied the
    http://xx.xx.xx.xx/ part only (without filename), the cursor refused
    once again. I tried different text containing "http://" and got the same
    result, even with a few leading and trailing spaces. I tried to copy the
    text and waited for about 7 seconds (On PIII 450 MHz with 256 MB RAM),
    everything went normal. The same behaviour happened whenever I copy the
    "http://" part from anywhere (browser, text editor,...etc).
    Could anyone replicate this?
    Does anyone think this might have any (possibly security) significance?
    P.S. This happened more that once, but sometimes I restart my Outlook
    and it doesn't happen!

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