Re: compress(vul) + ftpd(?)

From: HypH (hyphenat_private)
Date: Sat Mar 09 2002 - 12:32:38 PST

  • Next message: hotx: "strange win2k behavior"

    On Sat  9. March 2002 15:44, KF wrote:
    > Would wild cards help out?
    Wild cards only work with mget but compress`ing on the fly 
    doesn`t work with mget .
    So the answer is no. :-(
    > -KF
    > >even if you create some dirs you can`t send a command string that is
    > >longer than 200 chars and so you can`t get /SOME/DIRS/1100/CHRS/LONG/foo.Z
    > >Any other ideas..?? :-))
    Were All Born Original 
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