RE: Strange behaviour in Win2k [DDos Vunerability & Possible Solution]

From: Tony V. Fondo (Tonyat_private)
Date: Mon Mar 11 2002 - 10:41:45 PST

  • Next message: Matthew S. Hallacy: "DOCSIS vulnerability"

    	The following has been brought to our attention:
    That there is a new DDoS for the common MS Mouse Balls, This eXpLoit is shown in the following Proof of Concept :
    Take the MoUse Ball out, and put a stick of (used) bubble gum in the mouse itself (if no gum is available a nice size dust bunny should do.)
    put the ball back, and close the hatch. This should render the unsuspecting users mouse virtually useless.
    	It is advised to hide all bubble gum, dust bunnies and tape from the immediate work enviroment.
    	Vendor has not been notified as of yet, will keep  you in formed.
    	shouts out to daKid, sUperWo0t, and Opus for this proof of concept eXploiT, and many hours of fun at the boWling Alley->
    >-----Original Message-----
    >From: Matt Priestley [mailto:mpriestat_private]
    >Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 2:32 PM
    >To: vuln-devat_private
    >Subject: RE: Strange behaviour in Win2k
    >Not to trivialize this because it might indeed be a real bug, but have
    >you examined your mouse wheel? I have seen similar behavior before on
    >mice with gunked up wheels.
    >-matthew Priestley
    >-----Original Message-----
    >From: npcompleter [mailto:npcompleterat_private] 
    >Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 3:05 AM
    >To: vuln-devat_private
    >Subject: Strange behaviour in Win2k
    >Hi all,
    >When I was viewing emails using Outlook 2002 (aka Outlook XP) on a Win2k
    >pro SP2 box (Version 5.00.2195), I noticed something strange.
    >A message mentioned a URL. I selected the URL and copied it to clipboard
    >using Ctrl+C keyboard shortcut (and later, using Copy command in the
    >context menu,) that's when something happened.
    >I tried to move the cursor to the system tray, but the cursor refused to
    >move a millimeter below the status bar, or it moves for 1/10 second and
    >it gets back above the status bar as if it was locked there. When I
    >waited for a few seconds, everything went back normal. I copied
    >different text to the clipboard, the cursor moved normally. I copied the
    >http://xx.xx.xx.xx/ part only (without filename), the cursor refused
    >once again. I tried different text containing "http://" and got the same
    >result, even with a few leading and trailing spaces. I tried to copy the
    >text and waited for about 7 seconds (On PIII 450 MHz with 256 MB RAM),
    >everything went normal. The same behaviour happened whenever I copy the
    >"http://" part from anywhere (browser, text editor,...etc).
    >Could anyone replicate this?
    >Does anyone think this might have any (possibly security) significance?
    >P.S. This happened more that once, but sometimes I restart my Outlook
    >and it doesn't happen!

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